HPN Conference- April 27th

Dr. Collins and her graduate/undergraduate students had an amazing time at the HPN Conference on April 27th! They started off their day with a presentation headed by Dr. Kristina Collins and Alyssa Parsons about Curiosity, Cats, and Scientists: The Connection Between Culture, Creativity and STEM Cognition. They were assisted by other members of the group: Heloisa Santos, Harkiran Kaur, Amanda Phillips, and Cat Reyes! Dr. Collins took the floor and spoke about creativity and STEM and then the group was split into on hand speed stations within the STEM field! The stations were Hang Time Helicopter (Science), Spooler Race Car Design (Engineering), and Hands-on Logic Puzzles (Mathematics)! Each of the undergraduate peer mentors (Alyssa Parsons, Heloisa Santos, and Harkiran Kaur) as well as graduate student and program facilitator Izzy Deleon presented posters for their strands! Their posters can be found on their pages underneath the about program page!












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