Hispanic Professional Network- April 27
Dr. Collins and her mentors will be at the Hispanic Professional Network conference on April 27 from 8:30am- 4pm. Hope to see y’all there! REGISTER TODAY!!!
Dr. Collins and her mentors will be at the Hispanic Professional Network conference on April 27 from 8:30am- 4pm. Hope to see y’all there! REGISTER TODAY!!!
Exiting news the final dates have been finalized! Take out your planners, whip out your phones, and mark your calendars!!
HELLO EVERYBODY!! Our last PLC Meeting will be on April 22nd! We will be focusing on Creating Your Resume: Designing with purpose-lived experiences .Be sure to check your e-mails, reserve your time and mark your calendars for the last events of the semester! Follow us on twitter @TXSTMentoring and Instagram… Continue reading